Sabine Wüthrich (soprano), Eva van Grinsven (saxophone), Daniël Kramer (piano)
CD with music from melting pots Paris and Berlin around the turn of the century. Two world premiere recordings such as three songs by Gustav Bumcke and the grand cantata by Wolfgang Jacobi. Some joyful Satie songs and funny chansons by Rosenthal. Also the Saxophone Marmalade by Rosenthal and the German "Die Susi blässt das Saxophon".

"NOËL DE FRANCE" Christmas-CD with French Christmas chamber music by Saint-Saëns, Jolivet, Martin, Tournier and Pijper!

Together with the exeptionally fine musicians Miriam Overlach (harp), Jana Machalett (flute) and Örs Köszeghy I had the opportunity to make this recording for German label QUERSTAND of Verlagsgruppe KAMPRAD.
Listen to preview Willem Pijper "L'âne gris" (Sabine Wüthrich-soprano & Miriam Overlach-harp):
You can order this CD for € 15.- via
RECITAL-CD: Sabine Wüthrich (soprano) & Daniël Kramer (piano)
Händel, Mozart, Schubert, Ravel, Tipett, Barber
You can order this CD for € 10.- via CONTACT